Psoriasis Treatment with Coriodermina

December 11, 2018by CubaHeal Research19

PsoriasisPsoriasis is an incurable but treatable skin condition. One of the most effective treatments is Coriodemina, a water soluble gel developed in Cuba by Dr. Carlos Miyares Cao, world-renowned researcher holding a doctorate in Medicine from the University of Havana, Cuba, with a specialty in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pharmacology and  is Senior Research with approximately 100 research studies. Coriodemina is an extraction from the human placenta and works by inhibiting the development and regulating the speed of reproduction of skin cell. Cubaheal further adds that Coriodemina has been shown to be effective in about 84.6% of the time with some reporting complete disappearing of lesions after 2 years of application. 

Psoriasis, An Overview

Psoriasis is a chronic non-contagious skin disease in which skin cells rapidly increase creating red patches usually with white or silvery scaly flakes. Under normal conditions, skin grows slowly and flakes off approximately every 4 weeks. With psoriasis however, skin grows at a much faster rate and flakes off in days as opposed to weeks. A histological study (a microscopic study of the anatomy of cells) of the plaques has shown signs of abnormal thickening of the outer layer of the skin (hyperkeratosis), retention of nuclei of  the cells in the outer layer of skin (parakeratosis) and a benign growth with an abnormal concentration of white blood cells (T- cells) containing particles in its cytoplasm in the corneal layer of the skin. Psoriasis can develop at any age though it more often appears between the ages of 15 and 35.  It develops equally in men and women and is found among all races and ethnic groups.

Psoriasis Types

Psoriasis can differ from one person to another but will most likely be one of the following types:

  • Plaque Psoriasis: Also known as Psoriasis Vulgaris and is characterized by white or silver scales that itch excessively. Though this type can develop on any part of the body it is usually found on elbows, knees, scalp and lower back. This is the most common type of psoriasis.
  • Guttate Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis often starts in childhood usually after upper respiratory infection such as strep throat, skin injury and/or stress. Guttate psoriasis is characterized by small red drop like spots most often found on the arms, thighs, scalp and lower back. This is the second most common type of psoriasis and may resolve on its own but at times may recur.
  • Pustular Psoriasis: One of the most uncommon type of psoriasis and is characterized by pus filled pustules and can be localized, mostly on palms or soles of feet, or it can be generalized covering the whole body.  This type of psoriasis can be triggered by taking or stopping medication such as steroids, pregnancy, exposure to a high dosage of ultraviolet rays, stress and/or exposure to certain chemicals. 
  • Psoriatic Arthritis: In addition to the skin plaques from psoriasis, people with psoriatic arthritis also have to endure inflammation and stiffness of the joints. It is possible to have plaque flare up without joint pain or joint pain without psoriasis flare ups. About one third of people with psoriasis have or will develop this type psoriasis.
  • Inverse Psoriasis: This is a type of psoriasis that shows up in skin folds in which friction and/or perspiration is a regular occurrence. Armpits, under breasts, buttocks and the genitals are the most common areas in the body in which this type forms. Inverse psoriasis is characterized by red, smooth and shiny lesions.
  • Erythrodermic Psoriasis: Though this type of psoriasis is one of the rarest it is one of the most severe and dangerous.  It is characterized by a widespread redness resembling a burn. This type can develop due to the use of certain medication such as steroids or the sudden termination of systemic psoriasis medication. It can also be the result of hard to control or poorly controlled psoriasis. A person with this type usually needs to be hospitalized since the skin can no longer protect the body from infections and can no longer regulate body temperature. 

Psoriasis Triggers

 Causes is still not fully understood though it is believed to be an immune system problem where by healthy cells are mistaken for ones that the body needs to defend against. Though there is a leaning towards psoriasis being the product of genetics and though about one out of ten people are genetically predisposed to get psoriasis, only %2 – %4 of the world’s population develop psoriasis leading researchers to conclude that it is a combination of environmental triggers and genetic disposition that is responsible for its development. Usually, psoriasis outbreaks begin or worsen by having certain identifiable (and at times avoidable) triggers such as:

  • Infection such as skin infection or strep throat
  • Excessive alcohol consumption and/or smoking
  • Injury to the skin
  • Cold weather
  • Stress
  • Certain medication such as lithium
  • Family history
  • Obesity

Psoriasis and Emotional Stress

In addition to dealing with the physical pain and discomfort brought upon by psoriasis, many sufferers of this skin condition have to also deal with emotional and psychological issues. Those with psoriasis, especially those with visible or whole body flare ups often times feel isolated and excluded with a large number of people reporting that it has a significant negative impact on daily lives. Low self esteem, anxiety, lack of confidence and depression is very prevalent for people with psoriasis. In fact, some studies have shown that psoriasis detracts more from the quality of daily life than does life threatening diseases such as heart disease. The severe itchiness, painful and at times bleeding lesions can make sleeping, walking and dressing among other regular daily routines difficult to achieve.  There is also the general sense of embarrassment not only due to appearances, but also because of a common misconception among the general public about the diseases so much so that sufferers of this condition may not be allowed into certain public areas such as swimming pools or people move away from them in a crowded area.  

Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is an incurable disease but can be controlled or cleared by different types of topical treatment (applied on the skin) or systemic treatment (throughout the body).  One of the most effective treatment is a water soluble gel, Coriodemina, developed in Cuba by Dr. Carlos Miyares Cao who is responsible for discovering that the human placenta has within it a substances for treating vitiligo, psoriasis and alopecia.

Coriodemina is applied directly on the psoriatic area which is then absorbed by the dermal level (the second layer of skin that works as first defense against heat, light, infections and injuries). Its effectiveness is due to the fact that it inhibits the development of psoriatic lesions by regulating the speed the epidermic cells reproduce and by neutralizing small molecules important for cell signaling and communicating (such as cytokines and neuropeptides). As with most treatments, the effectiveness of Coriodemina depends on the age of the patient; the percentage of affected area; the length of time the patient has been suffering from psoriasis and the correct application of the treatment.  Although Coriodemina is safe and can be used on children, pregnant or nursing women and the elderly with no side effects, it is recommended that it should not be used before consulting with a specialist in order to be given the exact amount needed and so as to be given exact instruction on how to apply it in a way that would serve each individual case better.


  • Rajkumar (Last name withheld for privacy purposes)

    March 25, 2020 at 9:33 am

    I’m Rajkumar (Last name withheld for privacy purposes) from India. I’m sufering with psoriasis last 20 years. Kindly help me to get rid of this deadly desease.


  • Hi greetings,
    I’m prasanth from india ,
    I’m suffering from psoriasis ( plague psoriasis)
    past 12′ years , and
    I’m using oilnments regularly, if I leave that from one or two days , the lesion becomes worst and at the site of lesion it’s so itching , please help me to get rid from the disease,
    Thanking you


    • CubaHeal Team

      April 16, 2020 at 4:43 pm

      Dear Prasanth,

      We are forwarding your inquiry to our admin department in order for them to supply with full program details and the cost.

      Best regards,

      CubaHeal Team


  • Mark (Last name withheld for privacy purposes)

    April 2, 2020 at 1:50 am

    I have plaque psoriasis on my feet and hands. I am a 60 year male of Basque descent, It started to attack me five years ago. Nothing is working. Been through a series of biologic injections, ointments and medication. I live in Michigan, Y.S.A.


    • CubaHeal Team

      April 16, 2020 at 4:38 pm

      Dear Mark,

      We are forwarding your inquiry to our admin department in order for them to supply with full program details and the cost.

      Best regards,

      CubaHeal Team


  • Steve (Last name withheld for privacy purposes)

    April 18, 2020 at 1:44 am

    I’ve had psoriasis for 25 years, I’m 69 years old, have tried everything, the only thing that worked was Taltz, but it became unaffordable, any help would be appreciated. Thanks


    • CubaHeal Team

      April 24, 2020 at 5:09 pm

      Dear Steve,

      We are forwarding your inquiry to our admin department in order for them to supply with full program details and the cost.

      Best regards,

      CubaHeal Team


  • Josh

    June 22, 2020 at 11:15 pm

    I would also like info on treatment options


    • CubaHeal Team

      August 26, 2020 at 11:53 pm

      Dear Josh,

      Your inquiry has been forwarded to our admin department in order for them to reach out to you with full details of the possible surgical program, the cost, and the steps you are required to follow in order for the admin team to be able to forward your complete medical dossier to the Cuban Medical Authorities (CMA) for evaluation and determination of suitability.

      Best regards,

      CubaHeal team


    • CubaHeal Client Care

      April 6, 2023 at 7:43 pm

      Dear Josh,

      Your inquiry had been forwarded to our admin department in order for them to reach out to you with full details of the treatment/ surgical program, the costs, and the steps you are required to complete in order for the admin team to be able to forward your son’s complete medical dossier to the Cuban Medical Authorities for evaluation and determination of treatment suitability.

      Best regards


  • George (Last name withheld for privacy purposes)

    July 20, 2020 at 9:58 pm

    I have plaque psoriasis since 14 years ı’m using some medicals “cortisone crem” its effect only for a short time and plaque Come back approximately in a 4-5 days and I don’t now what I have to do for not outcome again may you can help me I will so Thankful to you


  • Yevgeniy

    November 27, 2020 at 6:42 pm

    I am Yevgeniy from Ukraine.
    I bought Coriodermina in Ukraine, but the date of manufacture and date of expire are absent. There is only party number: “lote 130-138”. Can you learn the date of manufacture? It would be very kind of you.


    • CubaHeal Client Care

      April 6, 2023 at 7:22 pm

      Dear Yevgeniy,

      Unfortunately, you have bought the fake medicine. The authentic medicine is only available in Cuba and is only prescribed upon through evaluation and testing of the patient.


      CubaHeal Client Care


  • Erika

    July 29, 2022 at 7:26 pm


    I am from Brazil looking for more information on psoriasis treatment. I’ve been with psoriasis for over 30 years. It’s much better now , But i’d like to clear it off.

    Thank you


    • CubaHeal Client Care

      August 25, 2022 at 4:32 pm

      Dear Aisha,

      Your inquiry had been forwarded to our education department in order for them to reach out to you with full details of the academic program, the costs, and the steps you are required to complete in order for the education team to be able to forward your complete academic dossier to the Cuban Academic Services Authorities.

      Best regards


  • Edmondo (last name withheld for privacy protection)

    May 21, 2023 at 10:18 pm

    My wife is 71 year old and has been suffering from plaque psoriasis on the soles of her feet for the last 6 months. The psoriasis came on suddenly and has become progressively worse, she has tried every available treatment but nothing has worked. Her soles have thick scales buildup and are constantly cracking and bleeding. Please send me all info I need to proceed with this treatment.

    Edmondo (last name withheld for privacy protection)


    • CubaHeal Client Care

      June 8, 2023 at 5:05 pm

      Dear Edmondo,

      Your inquiry had been forwarded to our admin department in order for them to reach out to you with full details of the treatment/ surgical program, the costs, and the steps you are required to complete in order for the admin team to be able to forward your son’s complete medical dossier to the Cuban Medical Authorities for evaluation and determination of treatment suitability.

      Best regards


  • Salah (last name withheld for privacy protection purposes)

    June 7, 2024 at 9:20 pm

    How can I get the product? I am from Egypt and have been suffering from this disease for thirty years


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