
CubaHeal Research, Author at CubaHeal

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Cuba, with its rich culture, beautiful landscapes, and fascinating history, is a top destination for many travelers. Before embarking on your Cuban adventure, it’s essential to secure travel medical insurance. This requirement is not merely a bureaucratic step; it’s a critical measure to ensure your well-being and protect Cuba’s healthcare system. In this article, we’ll...

The COVID-19 pandemic began at an unprecedented time when humans, organizations and institutes were not prepared. Like the global cases and deaths, Cuba had a recurring cases and deaths totaling 70,000 and 408 respectively as at March 2021 (Yaffe, 2021). The severity of cases and the resulting deaths influenced the production of COVID-19 vaccine in...

Symptoms of abnormal cervical cells are often non-specific, making it challenging to determine the severity of the underlying condition based solely on symptoms. Despite their non-specific nature, these symptoms are crucial in guiding medical investigations towards an accurate diagnosis. Regular checkups are essential for timely detection of potentially malignant pathologies, regardless of the presence of...

Cuba is undergoing a transformation in its health services and the guidelines governing said services. The transformation focuses on the analysis of the most persistent challenges in the country, and the implementation of economic and social policies to address them.Several changes have been implemented occurred and are looking at this perspective, and within them, new...

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