Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin disorder that accelerates the normal skin cell turnover process, leading to the buildup of thick, scaly patches on the skin’s surface. This condition occurs when the immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response, causing rapid overproduction of skin cells. Unlike normal skin, which renews itself over several weeks, psoriasis-affected skin regenerates within just a few days, leading to red, inflamed, and scaly plaques.
Psoriasis is a non-contagious condition that can vary in severity, from mild localized patches to widespread skin involvement. It can appear anywhere on the body, but common areas include the scalp, elbows, knees, lower back, and nails. This skin condition can affect people of all ages, but it is most commonly diagnosed in adolescents and adults. The condition typically develops between the ages of 15 and 35, though it can appear earlier in childhood or later in life. There is also a second peak onset around the ages 50 to 60.
Cuba is at the forefront of biotechnological advancements in dermatology, providing exclusive access to Coriodemina, a groundbreaking topical psoriasis treatment developed at the Placental Histotherapy Centre. Unlike traditional therapies, Coriodemina works by stabilizing skin cell renewal, soothing inflammation, and minimizing scaling, offering sustained relief without adverse effects. Patients worldwide turn to Cuba for psoriasis treatment due to its cutting-edge research, specialized medical expertise, and innovative, biotechnology-based solutions. With a gentle yet highly effective formulation, Coriodemina presents a non-invasive, science-backed option for those seeking to manage psoriasis and restore healthier skin.
While the exact cause of psoriasis is not fully understood, the primary cause of psoriasis is a dysregulated immune response that triggers inflammation and rapid skin cell turnover. Several factors contribute to its development, including:
Psoriasis is classified based on its severity and body surface involvement:
Psoriasis presents in several different forms, each with unique characteristics:
The symptoms of psoriasis vary based on the type and severity of the condition. Common signs include:
Psoriasis symptoms often follow a cycle, with periods of flare-ups and remission. Flare-ups can be triggered by stress, infections, skin injuries, smoking, alcohol consumption, or climate changes.
Psoriasis is primarily diagnosed through clinical evaluation by a dermatologist. Diagnostic methods include:
One of the most effective and scientifically backed treatments for psoriasis is Coriodemina, a topical, water-soluble gel developed from human placental extracts. Clinical studies have demonstrated its high success rate, with 84.6% of patients achieving complete clearance of lesions, 8.5% showing marked improvement, 5% experiencing minimal improvement, and only 1.9% reporting no improvement. Unlike conventional therapies, Coriodemina does not rely on steroids or immunosuppressants; instead, it works by regulating and inhibiting the excessive proliferation of epidermal cells, addressing the root cause of psoriasis. Additionally, it neutralizes cytokines and neuropeptides, which are key molecules involved in skin inflammation and cell communication, helping to reduce redness, scaling, and discomfort.
Applied directly to psoriatic lesions, Coriodemina penetrates the dermal layer—the skin’s primary defense against infections, heat, and injuries—ensuring deep absorption and targeted therapeutic action. Its effectiveness varies based on factors such as patient age, affected skin surface area, duration of the condition, and proper application of the treatment. Unlike many psoriasis medications, Coriodemina is completely safe, making it suitable for children, pregnant or nursing women, and the elderly, with no known side effects.
To receive psoriasis treatment in Cuba, patients must first undergo a consultation with a specialist, who will determine the duration of treatment and the required number of bottles of Coriodemina. Cuban dermatology experts recommend that all skin treatments be discontinued at least 45 days prior to arrival to optimize the effectiveness of the therapy. With its scientific foundation, high success rates, and non-invasive nature, Coriodemina continues to attract patients worldwide seeking a proven, natural solution for psoriasis.
Cuban dermatology specialists recommend the suspension all skin treatments 45 days before the arrival to Cuba. The number of sessions of treatment will be determined by the specialists at the time of personalizing the program. If you don’t have the result of skin biopsy, then it will be done at the clinic for an additional nominal fee.
Private room with the following features: