The role of a chemical engineer is characterized by their involvement in a vast array of processes aimed at addressing complex challenges. This profession is grounded in a robust scientific foundation, relying on a comprehensive understanding of laws and principles that are organized into key conceptual domains. These essential areas include:
Through mastering these fundamental concepts, chemical engineers are adept at devising, implementing, and improving processes that transform raw materials into valuable products, while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing efficiency and economic returns. Their expertise is essential in advancing innovations in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to energy production, making them pivotal contributors to global technological progress and sustainability.
5 years (including 1 year preparatory)
Non-Spanish speaking students
The program’s duration is 5 years. Total cost of the program, including the 1st year of preparatory and Spanish language program is $41,450 USD.
Spanish speaking Student:
The program’s duration is 4.5 years. For Spanish speaking visitors interested in this program, kindly visit our sister company by clicking on the image below:
La duración del programa es de 4,5 años. Para los visitantes de habla hispana interesados en este programa, visite nuestra empresa hermana haciendo clic en la imagen a continuación:
Important Notices:
The above prices include the following:
The above prices do not include the following:
The primary objective of the Cuban Chemical Engineering program is to prepare Chemical Engineers to excel in the production of chemical and biochemical products, emphasizing their interactions with the environment. This goal is pursued with a steadfast commitment to minimizing costs while maximizing safety standards. Graduates are trained to:
The Cuban Chemical Engineering program equips professionals with distinctive modes of action that are critical for excelling in the production of chemical and biochemical products. These actions encompass a comprehensive approach that includes:
The Cuban Chemical Engineering program delineates a diverse and dynamic range of Fields of Action, grounding its graduates in fundamental concepts that are crucial for the proficient evaluation, operation, design, and development of chemical and biochemical processes. These areas of expertise enable chemical engineers to make significant contributions across multiple sectors, including:
Prior and upon the student’s arrival to the Republic of Cuba, CubaHeal Inc will be responsible for coordinating and concluding the following logistical issues:
Prior to the student’s arrival:
Upon the Student’s Arrival:
Prospective students for CHEMICAL ENGINEERING program must complete the “APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION INTO A CUBAN UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC PROGRAM” form and submit an initial deposit of $200 CAD to secure university admittance